Wednesday 15 December 2010

festive hellos

So its been a while since i’ve put up some new work. After finishing uni with a 2.1!!!! score!!!! i have been sucked into the perils of retail, becoming a robot. But,,, i plan for 2011 to be very productive, so keep your eyes peeled. and merry christmas x

Wednesday 5 May 2010


So with just under 2 weeks til my final deadline at uni, i am almost complete with project number 2. I have finalised 4 of the 6 postcards i am producing images for. These are all screenprinted at home with help from my friend duncan. The two other images weren't impressing my tutor, so back to the drawing board. but i am very happy with these 4. project 3, self promotion, getting there, have format sorted, just need to find a suitable style for my illustrations. All will get finished!...........i hope.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Sgt. Podge is now a book

and can now be purchased here

Wednesday 14 April 2010

prograstination (progress and procrastination)

Been busy at the work again today, I really am getting sick of being at a computer, but I have managed to pull through and experiment a little more with my spreads. I also made a small little book of them, probably not wise considering time restraints and the fact they're not quite there yet, but hey it was more fun that clicking on my mouse. I've managed to improve a spread loads and i am much more happier about it. So now its time to go kick my boyfriends ass at some B-ball. Peace out x

Tuesday 13 April 2010

eyes glued to the screen

So I've had my eyes glued to the computer for the past 2 days, and im starting to get itchy feet. However I have continued to make progress on my book, and have printed out a mockup to see where i'm at. I got alot more to do until im 100% happy with it. Lots of changes. Anyways heres a few of my favourite spreads and also a photo of my actual prints.

Wednesday 7 April 2010


I've been a busy bee and have been working away at my final major project. I scanned all of my prints in and have been messing around a little with them on photoshop. I have been mixing original prints with inverted ones to create negative areas within the images. I still need to add the green in, i hope this will add more to their overall look.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Print Print and more Print

so my bedrooms turned into a bit of a printing workshop these past few days. I've spent the last week cutting and cutting and cutting 27 lino's. and today i printed them all. woop!

Thursday 11 March 2010

Its been a while

So I've not blogged in a whole 10 months! woah. long time. Final year of uni is almost over, here are some lino prints for my FMP