So I contacted the baker asking where she had got permission to use my illustration, as only I can provide that. I got a quick response saying sorry but she felt that she hadn't copied my work but had used it as inspiration. She felt that changing the hat and beard made it her own.
I have spent years mastering my skill and creating my own tone of voice. I felt insulted that she feels that she hadn't infringed my copywrite. She didn't want me to plaster over social media how she had copied my work as it could have a negative affect on her business. She should have considered that before she copied my style.
To make it even more insulting, her cake would be featured in confetti fair magazine. No credit to me.
I have no idea how she thinks that she hasn't copied my work, the evidence is in the photos below.
She has since removed the photos off of her Instagram. It is not right to copy someone's style. People should have some integrity and when they copy should be made an example of!
This is not on!